Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Went to Cambridge with Jihye on Sunday, 29 September! (Still not used to writing my dates this way)

First off... the famous King's College Chapel. 

We had the opportunity to attend their mass (my first mass, ever!) when we went to Cambridge and the chapel was beautiful. We were unable to take photos inside the chapel; some people were still taking photos indoors, but I was too scared to.

More photos around Cambridge!

It is known that punting is a must in Cambridge, so we did it but I am not sure if it was worth 11 pounds! I feel like I would have regretted it if I did not experience punting but my experience was not all that great. It might have been better if I just took a stroll on The Backs instead of punting through it, mostly because our punter hated his job and did not want to make an effort to engage with us.

 Selfies on selfies on selfies ('cause, let's be honest, trips are incomplete without them)

Also.. found out Cambridge and Oxford are public universities! I (wrongly) just assumed these colleges were privates but my flatmates told me there are barely any private universities in England.

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