Monday, October 7, 2013

"American" Jackie, You Say?

I tried really hard to try and come up with something a little bit more punny or creative for my URL but I still do think the URL/title sums up my experiences so far in England. 

People in my flat call me “American Jackie.” I do really like the nickname but I wonder how I would have felt to be called that if I was not an American citizen (cause, yknow, Korean pride). Also, people knew I was from the States (or California, to be specific) because of my accent! Crazy to think that my English has an accent because back in the States, it is pretty standard. 

Additionally, being a student here in England made me realize a lot of things I take for granted back at home (super cliche, I know), but it also made me even angrier at how some of the systematic things work in the good ‘ol U S of A.

One big FAT example is $healthcare$. People over here think that it is massively silly that we do not get free healthcare in the States. Trust me, I think it is ridiculous too! 

Also, that picture of the American flag, the bald eagle and Declaration of Independence(?) all in one freaks me out a lot. Basically, nationalism and patriotism for USA makes me feel uncomfortable.

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