Monday, October 7, 2013

An Introduction to My New Adventures in England…

I went to a poster sale and came across that picture! I am not sure if these foods are native to Britain or even what any of these foods are, but I just thought it was cool and I love food! 

A little bit about where, why and what I am studying in England…

I am currently doing an exchange program with University of East Anglia (UEA). UEA is located in Norwich. When I tell people that, it is the same reaction I get when I tell people I go to school in Vermont.

A lot of people know London, so here is a map of where Norwich is in comparison to where London is!


I am studying abroad because I really needed to get away from Middlebury. It is physically, mentally, emotionally and socially hard to live in a place like Middlebury, both the school and the city. Especially for an angry feminist of color from Los Angeles, like me! Not to say that UEA is a magical place where diversity is abundant and everyone actively works to create a safe space for every community...
UEA is actually really similar to Middlebury in that UEA/Norwich is super white and small. 

Even with the similarities between the two schools,  I still wanted to experience the whole “sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself” philosophy. 

Also…Middlebury has this weird thing where if you choose to study at a country where Middlebury has a school abroad, you have to be fluent in the language of that country. And..I did German for a whole year and that probably falls under the top two worst decisions I made during my college career. It was either UEA or Yonsei University in Korea but my scholarship and grant transfers to UEA, so here I am!

~Let’s be honest, I did not want to wait till June 2014 to legally drink so I flew over to Europe to get drunk~


What am I studying?
I am currently registered under the American Studies Course here at UEA. In the UK, “major” is called “course.” That is super confusing because “course” in the States means “class” while “class” in the UK is “module.” My actual major/course is Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies with an Education Studies Minor. UEA does not have that, so I think they kind of stuck me in American Studies. 
Nonetheless, I am still taking cool classes! 
  • Gender and British Cinema
  • Women, Islam and Media
  • Doing it Yourself: Punk in America
Do not ask me why I am taking the third class. I am not really enjoying it but hopefully it gets better!

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